Building muscle mass can be difficult for some people. It has everything to do with metabolism and nutrition. But one thing is for sure: Anyone who wants to, can gain weight and build muscle mass! In this blog we explain how you can quickly build muscle mass and what different body types exist. For each body type we explain what it entails and which nutritional advice suits it best!
Muscle mass is the weight in your body that consists of pure muscle, so the total weight of all muscles in your body excluding fat, bones, etc. By training with weights you "damage" the membranes in your muscles. The proteins in the muscles are damaged that ensure the contraction of the muscle. In the recovery phase, the proteins are supplemented for the recovery of the muscles and if you do this with protein-rich meals, for a long period, you can expect to build muscle mass. When strength training, it is important to have the right goals in mind to train more efficiently. These goals differ per person and must be realistic. No one is a few kilos heavier in just muscle mass in 1 week! The factors below play a role in the speed at which muscle mass is built.
Body types
First of all, building muscle has to do with your body type. There are 3 types of body types: Ectomorph, Endomorph, and Mesomorph. But what exactly are these types?
The ectomorph body type naturally has a low fat percentage and is very thin. Building muscle is a lot harder with this body type. An ectomorph can best focus on heavy strength training and not perform cardio training. Do you ultimately want to do cardio exercises? Then make sure that your diet is in order so that no muscle mass is lost.
A good diet for this body type is with good fats and a moderate protein content of between 25 and 30 grams per meal. Carbohydrates are also important for this body type. An ectomorph needs a lot of calories to gain muscle mass. For suitable meals, look here .
An endomorph has a more robust build with a higher fat percentage. This body type stores fats more easily than ectomorphs, for example, and therefore it is also more difficult to gain muscle mass.
A person with body type endomorph should take as much good fats and proteins as possible. Carbohydrates should be reduced. Therefore choose protein-rich meals and avoid carbohydrates!
Mesomorph body type is between ectomorph and endomorph. The body type is genetically very favorable for muscle building. The metabolism goes better with muscle building in this body type. However, cardio must be done and you still have to work hard to achieve the goals!
The best diet plan to achieve lean muscle at a low fat percentage is best achieved by consuming mainly good fats and proteins. Try to keep carbohydrates as low as possible.
Proteins remain the most important component of building muscle mass because proteins replenish damaged muscle membranes! So take a look at our fitness meals and choose your favorite protein-rich dish via the link below!